Monday, April 23, 2012

Intro+ Rules

Welcome to the one and only Woodland School RPG! The rules for this game are: you must create a character. It can't be your own name, and it can't be something like Chuck Norris either. No profanity. It must be realistic. You can't type in, *pulls out rocket launcher and jetpack and flies away*. It must be somewhat related to Woodland. No going on this at school. You can play every night at 6:30, or unless I say otherwise at school, on here, or at Google+. No spamming. I need to know who you are. I will keep track of everyone's score. Now, for the ways to get points and exp. Finishing a topic in math= one point. Finishing homework early= three points. Finishing a project= twenty points. Acing a test= forty points. Finishing homework late= negative three points. Failing a test= negative forty points. Finishing a quest= seventy five points. Alright, wrapping up. I need your character by 6:30 tomorrow. All quests will be open for five days before closing. I will announce the quest tomorrow. Bye! Oh yeah, all role-playing will take place in the comments. Make sure your username is your character.   

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